In some locations, especially in the distal points, the patient can feel a sensation of tingling. Some people can experience what in Chinese is called De Qi, the arrival of Qi. The feeling of that is a bit like light electricity.
If acupuncture is practiced by a licensed acupuncturist the only thing that may happen, depending on the person and the point location, is the occasional small bruise.
Although they are not total contraindications for acupuncture, there are several situations where treatment would need to be adjusted.
In case of pregnancy the patient should let Enric know as soon as she knows because there are some points that need to be avoided.
In case of a severe condition, acupuncture should be avoided.
There is no contraindication in treating patients with haemophilia. However, the therapist needs to be aware of the condition previous to the treatment. There have been studies showing the benefits of acupuncture in treating chronic pain in haemophiliac patients.
Needles are sterile, single use and disposable. After removing the needles they are disposed of in a specific sharps container arranged for this purpose.
It is a very relative question because it depends not only on the patient but also the severity of the condition, and also for how long the patient has had the condition.
In general, Enric advises a minimum of four sessions. After the fourth session patient and therapist will decide on further treatment.
Acupuncture is a very safe technique when used by a licensed acupuncturist. However, in some locations small bruises can be localised depending on the person and on the location of the point.
It is recommended that the patient should eat prior to the session. The reason being is that in some cases, fainting or lightheadedness can occur if the patient hasn’t eaten.
The initial visit normally lasts 1 ½ hours. This includes any paperwork (as per below) as well as a general anamnesis (clinical history).
You will need to sign a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) consent form.
If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant you should inform Enric. In the case of pregnancy there are acupuncture points that need to be avoided.
If you are currently taking any medication, you should not discontinue it without the consent of a doctor or practitioner. If you decide to give up medication, Enric should be notified immediately.
We will then fill out a MYMAP 2 form. This is a generic patient specific outcome tool to assess general health at a specific moment.
After having signed the papers, the next step is to do the anamnesis. This is the collection of data that will become your health history.
After this we will proceed with the treatment. In addition to needles, Enric may incorporate other tools such as chromotherapy or moxa. Moxa is used to heat the points where needed.
As a general rule, the needles are retained for 20 to 30 minutes.
It is very frequent that after a session the person will need to urinate. It is also a recurrent theme to feel relaxed and perhaps a bit sleepy. This is normal. It is highly recommended to drink water and have a light snack post treatment.
It is advisable to wear comfortable clothing. As mentioned before, it is very important not to attend the clinic with an empty stomach. As Enric will need to check the colour of your tongue, please do not drink any tea or coffee or any drink or food that may change the colour of your tongue on the day of your appointment. Do not brush your tongue with a toothbrush before coming to your appointment.
It is advisable not to do any extreme exercise and it is recommended to eat and rest and enjoy the effects of acupuncture.
If you have any further questions, please contact Enric.